Malaysia sekeluarga : let Pillars of Malaysian Politics working together -Pakatan Harapan :PPBM , Keadilan, DAP, AMANAH, Warisan; UMNO, the rest of BN components parties and PAS, Gerakan, Sarawak Allied GPS and others
Kenapa Rakyat Perlu UNDI BN....."Sebab Barisan Nasional adalah sebuah Organisasi secara asasnya, terdiri dari gabungan parti-parti politik yang berpegang teguh kepada konsep Barisan Nasional. Gabungan 13 parti komponen ini mewakili keseluruhan rakyat Malaysia tanpa mengira bangsa, agama, suku kaum atau kumpulan etnik.
Bersandarkan kekuatan berkumpulan yang nyata telah menjadikan Barisan Nasional sebagai sebuah parti politik yang besar, gagah, berbeza, adil dan berjaya dalam mentadbir negara, sejak dari era Parti Perikatan sehinggalah sekarang.
Berbeza dengan parti-parti politik yang lain, Barisan Nasional tidak lahir dari gagasan ideologi semata. Barisan Nasional lahir dari perjuangan rakyat, untuk rakyat, oleh rakyat. Dengan meletakkan rakyat di barisan paling utama perjuangan, Barisan Nasional kekal dinamis dalam meneraju negara....manakala Pakatan Rakyat adalah sebuah Gabungan yang tidak mempunyai perlembagaan dan Fasal yang termaktub secara persetujuan bersama secara undang-undang....ini amat sukar jika Pakatan Rakyat memerintah Negara ...berbagai kegagalan akan terjadi kerana parti2 yang ada di dalam Gabungan Pakatan Rakyat masing2 mempunyai hasrat yang tersirat...
Free water, electrical, internet, and telecommunication bill at and below basic need. And Astro, Unifi on National Channels.. which write off the subsidies for oil, food and etc... 增加一个大马人民援金的数额至1200令吉,单身人士的援金则增至 600令吉,维持常年发放。this will directly easily reduce the burden of the needed and boost the economy, as the fund will be spended and circulated... -> 增加一个大马购书卷至300令吉,开学150令吉。 -> 修改国车政策,逐渐降低车价20-30%,提升国产车的竞争力。 for those basic car and not luxury car...and abolish of toll, except for traffic control at congested area... -> 增加一个大马人民商店的数量。 -> 在油站及高级市场推销一个大马商品。 -> 在高密集的住宅区开设一个大马诊所。 -> 为双薪家庭设立更多的一个大马育幼中心。 -> 降低宽频费至少20%及保证频宽。 free for the initial basic need of basic common user. -> 针对必需品落实“一个国家,一个价格”政策。 -> 推出更多由管联公司及私人领域推动的一个大马产品。
Skim Pemberian Rebat 25% Cukai Pintu kepada pemilik rumah flat kos rendah di seluruh Selangor, 20m3 air percuma, Program TAWAS untuk bayi Selangor, Tuisyen Rakyat, Biasiswa Yayasan Selangor, Program Hadiah Anak Masuk University (RM1000 setiap pelajar), Tabung Pendidikan Anak-anak Pekerja Ladang, Projek Rumah Mampu Milik, Skim Mikro Kredit Selangor, Program Jom Shopping dan lain-lain lagi.
In Malaysia, the 13th general election has been called by Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak after a year-long speculation.More than 13 million Malaysians will go to the polls on May 5. This is the first time that the ruling party has gone through the full five-year term before dissolving parliament.Najib, who became prime minister after his predecessor quit four years ago, has never led the party in a general election and political pundits argue that this has put him in a difficult position to force through any potential policy changes. The election could be the closest in history. Najib needs to reverse the huge gains the Anwar Ibrahim-led opposition alliance Pakatan Rakyat (PR) made in 2008, when the ruling National Front lost five of 13 states and the two-thirds majority which it had enjoyed since Independence about 57 years ago.The issues of the campaign include race, vote buying, electoral fraud, Hudud law and corruption.
People-centric Barisan Nasional manifesto focusing on an action plan to raise the quality of life of all Malaysians in the next five years. Gradually raise the Bantuan Rakyat 1Malaysia (BR1M) payment from RM500 to RM1,200 for households and RM600 for singles which will be maintained on an annual basis and to build 1 million units of affordable homes. Construction of a 2,300km Pan Borneo highway stretching from Sematan near Lundu located at the western most tip of Sarawak to Serudong near Tawau in the east coast of Sabah. Outlined detailed plans to attract RM1.3 trillion worth of investments and to create 3.3 million new jobs over the next five years. Initiatives to make it easier for the people to own homes, such as through a new lease and own scheme for government housing projects, and to assist poor and low income home owners to rehabilitate their houses. With 70% of Malaysians now living in urban areas, a new ministry will be set up to handle urban affairs and to address public transportation, expand the Rapid bus system to every state capital, complete with facilities for the aged and the disabled. New measures will be introduced, including the setting up of heart and cancer centres in major hospitals nationwide, and the introduction of a support system for the home care of the aged and terminally ill. Ensure rapid expansion of the North-South Expressway with more lanes and exit points. Financial incentives to commercial and private premises which invest in renewable green energy resources such as biomass and solar. To pursue a foreign policy that mirrors the country's image as a moderate and progressive Muslim country. Vie for a non-permanent seat on the United Nations Security Council to play a more prominent role in regional peace and international security through the policy of moderation.
Pakatan Rakyat akan mengurangkan beban generasi muda Malaysia dengan memperkenalkan polisi-polisi berikut:
1. Memperkenalkan pengangkutan awam yang lebih efisien dan murah 2. Memansuhkan cukai eksais kepada harga kereta yang lebih murah, supaya generasi muda Malaysia mempunyai lebih banyak wang untuk dibelanjakan setiap bulan selepas membayar hutang kereta mereka. 3. Menghapuskan monopoli dan penswastaan oleh kroni dan memperkenalkan persaingan pasaran yang sihat untuk memastikan keperluan dan perkhidmatan seharian berada pada kadar rendah. 4. Meneruskan amalan tender terbuka untuk projek-projek kerajaan untuk memastikan kerajaan berbelanja secara efisien dan lebihan dana simpanan boleh disalurkan terus kepada rakyat.