Friday, March 31, 2023

Anwar on Malaysia Madani for the world: Focus on human values, integrity...

Monday, March 13, 2023

Bring Sekolah Wawasan to life

 Shutting vernacular schools doesn’t do anything, Bersatu man tells Rina (

MCA slams Rina Harun's call to shut vernacular schools (

We should implement Sekolah Wawasan where they teach all subject in Malay, English, Mandarin, Tamil as option except language.

We should have Malay, English, Tamil, Mandarin, Arab, French, Latin Languages with Malay compulsory and other option.

This way all the student will be able to mix in Malay language, Spot, Art , Extra Curricular etc.

Implement Basic Income

 Implement Basic Income for all citizen, permanent resident, working permit holder by sourcing fund from GST, lifting all subsidies. (petrol, diesel, gas, electric, food subsidies etc).

This will reduce pressure on salary, improve competition.

Using EPF savings as collateral contradicts concept of retirement funds, says Dr Wee (

I think is a good idea, EPF do not need to divest due to withdrawal, but basic income is better.

Friday, March 3, 2023

Thursday, March 2, 2023