90-minute programme titled “Berani Semuka: Siapa Layak Bersama Anwar?” May 11 start at 3pm
PKR secretary-general Saifuddin and vice-president Rafizi to test their ability in debating current issues, questions of leadership, and PKR’s future.
The elections are being held in a hybrid manner through the party’s ADIL application introduced on Feb 28.
The online voting process will run from May 18 to 20 while physical voting will take place from May 13 to 17.
Saifuddin, Rafizi set for May 11 debate (msn.com)
I personally would like to see Saifuddin as President, Rafizi as Deputy President, Anwar as Adviser, Nurul Izzah as Secretary-General. Let 2022 be transition year to a new generation like DAP. recent election.
Bipolar PKR clueless about Malaysia First | Opinion | Malay Mail
Saifuddin is convinced Malay members would celebrate his defence of their “rights” and vote for him, and the rest of the PKR members — Indians, Sabahans, Sarawakians and Chinese — accept Malay ascendancy inside the party and will therefore ignore the vitriol and vote for him anyways.
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