Thursday, April 25, 2013

Wish List of GE13 or PRU 13...


    The implementation of GST, but refund of the same rate for the first RM36000 sum earned annually, or as subsidies for those earning below or live on saving... on taxing on the spenders and not basic earners.  

Free water, electrical, internet, and telecommunication bill at and below basic need.  And Astro, Unifi on National Channels..

which write off the subsidies for oil, food and etc...

 增加一个大马人民援金的数额至1200令吉,单身人士的援金则增至 600令吉,维持常年发放。this will directly easily reduce the burden of the needed and boost the economy, as the fund will be spended and circulated...

-> 增加一个大马购书卷至300令吉,开学150令吉。
-> 修改国车政策,逐渐降低车价20-30%,提升国产车的竞争力。

for those basic car and not luxury car...and abolish of toll, except for traffic control at congested area...

-> 增加一个大马人民商店的数量。
-> 在油站及高级市场推销一个大马商品。
-> 在高密集的住宅区开设一个大马诊所。
-> 为双薪家庭设立更多的一个大马育幼中心。
-> 降低宽频费至少20%及保证频宽。

free for the initial basic need of basic common user.
-> 针对必需品落实“一个国家,一个价格”政策。
-> 推出更多由管联公司及私人领域推动的一个大马产品。

Skim Pemberian Rebat 25% Cukai Pintu kepada pemilik rumah flat kos rendah di seluruh Selangor, 20m3 air percuma, Program TAWAS untuk bayi Selangor, Tuisyen Rakyat, Biasiswa Yayasan Selangor, Program Hadiah Anak Masuk University (RM1000 setiap pelajar), Tabung Pendidikan Anak-anak Pekerja Ladang, Projek Rumah Mampu Milik, Skim Mikro Kredit Selangor, Program Jom Shopping dan lain-lain lagi. 

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