当作孩子般教导 沙拉胡丁华裔助理:他绝不种族主义 - 地方 - 今日焦点 - 大柔佛焦点 (
a distinguished gentleman of the highest caliber and a minister of extraordinary pedigree.
Salahuddin embraced five core thrusts that were important for the people:
1. Mitigating the costs of living
2. Affordable and quality healthcare
3. Affordable and quality education
4. Dignified employment
5. Affordable and quality housing
He diligently responded to all his messages, as do his officers. Salahuddin openly declared that he would remain unchanged and accessible to all, whether in power or not.
When Salahuddin was helming the Agriculture Ministry, he concurred on the importance of pursuing a holistic food security policy.
Salahuddin was always on the pulse of the nation and the issues
his staunch belief in sheer compassion with initiatives
aimed to defuse the rising cost of food, fuel, fertilisers and animal feed